"Рисунок наглядно представит мне то, что в книге изложено на целых десяти страницах"
Иван Тургенев,"Отцы и дети"

August 6, 2018

Иллюстрации Хоупа Данлапа к сказкам братьев Гримм

Perceiving the Gardener's boy, she called him to bring her a nosegay of flowers ...

The Windermere Series
Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm Illustrated by Hope Dunlap
Rand McNally & Company
New York. 1913. Edition of 1937

They lighted him at once to his sleeping apartment, where one drew off his shoes and another his stockings ...

The end of the Dwarf's beard was fixed in the split of a tree ...

"Falada is more suitable for me, and my nag will do for thee" ...

He thrust his hand through the ring without difficulty and broke off an apple ...

In a moment the pigeon flew up, bringing another golden key in his bill ...

They asked her whence she came and whither she was going ...

In five minutes they were up again, carrying the crown ...

Из собрания Нью-Йоркской публичной библиотеки (New York Public Library)