"Рисунок наглядно представит мне то, что в книге изложено на целых десяти страницах"
Иван Тургенев,"Отцы и дети"

December 23, 2021

Морис Бауэр (Maurice Lincoln Bower) | Сейнт Николас (St. Nicholas)

An Old English Christmas – Singing Carols Before The Inn

Ещё будучи студентом, Морис Бауэр (Maurice Lincoln Bower; 1889-1980) печатался в ежемесячнике для семейного чтения "Сейнт Николас". Мне нравятся его, располагающие искренностью и энергетикой, объятые юношеским оптимизмом, романтические иллюстрации в журнале; эффектно и гармонично звучит творческий дуэт художника и писательницы Кэтрин Данлэп Картер (Katherine Dunlap Cather; 1877-1926). Графические работы Мориса Бауэра, этого периода, несомненно, уже отмечены печатью высокого дарования.

His father made the pictures seem the glowing burning work of still-living men
The Lost Prince by Frances Hodgson Burnett. St. Nicholas Vol. XLI, No1. November, 1914

Leaning far out over the railing, he saw her standing under the pomegranates
The Border Wonderful by Katherine Dunlap Carther. St. Nicholas Vol. XLIII, No9. July, 1916

Whenever he passed a gaudily skirted market girl, he saluted with the air of a grandee
Bartolome’s Velvet Hat by Katherine Dunlap Carther

Harlequin his mule bestriding, led along our motley band
All the Way to Marly Fair by Clara Platt Meadowcroft

Day after day he toiled in the workshop
The Whittler of Cremona by Katherine Dunlap Carther. St. Nicholas Vol. XLIII, No12. October, 1916

Jan turned to him and asked, ’and you, Bertel Thorvaldsen, what do you want?’
Old Jan’s Twilight Tale by Katherine D. Carther

Thanksgiving Day in the Olden Time

In a Leafy Covert Hidden Close, We Watched the Hunt Sweep Past

The bids went up and up, first into the hundreds, then into the thousands
Murillo and the Usurer of Seville by Zenobia Aymar Camprubi

Some day he would bring honor to his name and glory to Poland
The Wonder-Child of Warsaw by Katherine Dunlap Carther. St. Nicholas Vol. XLIII, No5. March, 1916

So beneath a wild white cherry bough we made our Queen a throne. And Griflet sang and told us magic stories all his own
The Wishing Well by Clara Platt Meadowcroft

A Tale of Storied Bethlehem Town by Katherine Dunlap Carther. St. Nicholas Vol. XLIV, No2. December, 1916