"Рисунок наглядно представит мне то, что в книге изложено на целых десяти страницах"
Иван Тургенев,"Отцы и дети"

April 25, 2024

Джон С. Смит (John S. Smith)

Yesterday's Giants. The Ship That Refused to be Launched. Great Eastern. Look and Learn Mag. No 884, 1978-12-23

Джон С. Смит (анг. John S. [Shaw?] Smith; 1921-2010) - британский художник-маринист, плакатист, иллюстратор. Кристофер Дикс в своей книге "История пассажирского лайнера в открытках" (A Postcard History of the Passenger Liner by Christopher Deakes. Mystic Seaport Museum, 2005) сообщает, что Джон С. Смит получил образование художника-графика, во Вторую мировую войну служил в Королевском флоте, затем хорошо отслеживается, что он работал как плакатист, станковый живописец и неоднократно публиковался в периодических изданиях. Особо хочу отметить иллюстрации Джона С. Смита в познавательном еженедельнике для юношества "Лук энд лёрн' (анг. Look and Learn; рус. Смотри и учись) и его приложениях, где потенциал художника, как опытного иллюстратора-рассказчика и лектора-моряка, раскрылся с небывалой до того силой.
HMHS Neuralia. Oil on canvas

HMT Dunera. Oil on board

Fishguard - Rosslare. Ship PF Irish Sea Ferry. British Rail, Western Region Poster, 1960

Channel Islands Ferry Casarea. Transport Age No 18, July 1961

The Great Steamers

Pioneers of Progress. Bremen; Europa. Look and Learn Mag. No 748, 1976-05-15

The German Giants. Imperator; Vaterland; Bismar. Look and Learn Mag. No 747, 1976-05-08

The 'Giant' With a Jinx. Great Eastern. Look and Learn Mag. No 743, 1976-04-10

The 'Sisters' Who Became Deadly Enemies. Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse & Kaiser Friedrich. Look and Learn Mag. No 744, 1976-04-17

Luck of the Liners. Mauretania & Luisitania. Look and Learn Mag. No 745, 1976-04-24

The Ship That Died In Dock. Normandie. Look and Learn Mag. No 749, 1976-05-22

The Magnificent Trio. Olympic, Titanic, Britanic. Look and Learn Mag. No 746, 1976-05-01

Queens of the Ocean. Queen Mary & Queen Elizabeth. Look and Learn Mag. No 750, 1976-05-29

Ship With a Secret. United States. Look and Learn Mag. No 751, 1976-06-05

Yesterday's Giants

The Bomber That Beat The Atlantic. First Atlantic Flight. Look and Learn Mag., 1979-02-24

The Wreck That Came Home. Great Britain. Look and Learn Mag. No 885, 1979-01-06

Ship PF Old Steamboats. Look and Learn Mag., 1981-11-21

The Three Sisters. Ship PF Ferry MV Herald of Free Enterprise. Look and Learn Mag. No 1005, 1981-06-13

Ship PF Ferry P&O Ferry Hydrofoil. Look and Learn Mag. No 1006, 1981-06-20

John S. Smith – was a British marine painter, poster artist and illustrator. Christopher Deakes in his book reports that John S. Smith was trained as a graphic artist, and served throughout WW2 in the Royal Navy. After that the artist worked as a poster artist, easel painter, and designed periodicals and books. In the 1970-80s, John S. Smith illustrated the weekly for young people “Look and Learn” and its supplements where the artist’s potential as an illustrator-storyteller was revealed with unprecedented force.

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